You make quick calculations calculations and let us know the outcome of our offer is right or wrong .
The level of calculations will increase. certainly will not be as simple as 1 + 1.
Right now, you test whether your ability of calculate how well .
Anda membuat perhitungan perhitungan cepat dan biarkan kami tahu hasilnya dari tawaran kami adalah benar atau salah.
Tingkat perhitungan akan meningkat. tentu tidak akan sesederhana 1 + 1.
Sekarang, Anda menguji apakah kemampuan Anda menghitung seberapa baik.
You make quick calculations calculations and let us know the outcome of our offer is right or wrong .
The level of calculations will increase. certainly will not be as simple as 1 + 1.
Right now, you test whether your ability of calculate how well .